JLMP Engenharia is a fictitious company created by students of Mechanical Engineering of the University Center SENAI CIMATEC, for the participation of the Integrating Project II (IP).
The curricular reference components and their respective teachers are:
This curricular activity has as objectives:
The curricular reference components and their respective teachers are:
- Elements of machines I - Maurício Camargo de Oliveira;
- Foundry Processes - Marcelo de Carvalho;
- Technical English A - Kelly Barros Santos.
This curricular activity has as objectives:
- Stimulate students to develop the skills that are being acquired in the academic period;
- Guide the students about the interrelationship of the competences that are being acquired in the training course, its use and importance for the acquisition of new competences;
- Promote the pedagogical deconstruction of students, identifying the knowledge needed to build the work, based on specific problems related to research in the institution, cases in partner companies or studies by renowned authors.
JLMP Engenharia was contracted to use part of the large amount of aluminum scrap from a mining and metallurgical company in the aluminum production sector to produce the rivets used by its internal railways, in order to reduce costs with the maintenance of these and diversify the reuse of scrap that some sectors of its facilities generate.
The contractor requested our company to design and manufacture riveted joints using recycled aluminum, which resist a traction request of 30 kN, following these requirements determined by the client:
The contractor requested our company to design and manufacture riveted joints using recycled aluminum, which resist a traction request of 30 kN, following these requirements determined by the client:
- The joints must have a maximum width of 50 mm;
- The definition of the quantity, layout and diameter of rivets is at the discretion of the contracted;
- The most suitable casting process for the manufacture of rivets should be defined;
- Should be delivered on dates defined in the work plan, the project of the junta and the merger of the rivets, and each of these projects must contain a memorial of calculation, 3D CAD model and mechanical drawings;
- Should be delivered at least two fused rivets accompanied by a quality analysis report, including dimensional inspection, visual and macrographic analysis;
- A sample of the board designed, using thickness and width carbon steel strips to be defined by the contracted, should be tested on an universal test machine to verify that it resists a request of 30kN.
The Project Department of the company JLMP consists of engineers: Jonathan Oliveira Martins, Leonardo Gonçalves Mendes, Luan Victor Santana Santos Lima, Marina Ferrari de Sena, Pedro Jorge Carvalho Caribé.
Image 1: Responsible for the project department.
Source: Own Team.
From left to right: Jonathan Martins, Pedro Caribé, Marina Ferrari, Leonardo Mendes, Luan Santos.
The blog will be updated weekly commenting step by step project development.
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